Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"Rounding--Third" and Coming Into Home

I have thought about having a blog for awhile now, but never really had the content. My friends have blogs and have been really successful with articulating their observations or reporting about family happenings, but I knew that wasn't going to work for me personally. While I enjoy reading theirs and knowing what is going on in their lives, I knew I would get board and busy and loose fast interest in my own.

Kevan and I recently watched
Julie and Julia, which to my surprise was a snooze fest. However, in watching the movie I decided that I too could write a blog for one year about our up coming move back to Wisconsin like Julie wrote about her cooking adventures with Julia Child's cook book. After one year I could stop or continue - no commitment!

As stated Kevan and I have decided to move back to Wisconsin in July just before Kevan's yearly family picnic. This decision did not come lightly for reasons I will get to in the following weeks and we had been contemplating it for awhile now. We were told that it is not going to be the same and that Wisconsin really is not going to be what we expect it to be. Kevan has not lived in Wisconsin for 17 years and I have not lived there for 5 years. I agree that it will definitely not be the same, I mean come on the Brewers traded JJ Hardy - something I took a little hard! But honestly, it won't be the same. I feel that this blog will be a place where I can share our experience of reentering our home, the place where we grew up, and are now returning as an "adult." I believe that Kevan and I will have an interesting perspective about how we view our families, friends and Wisconsin. No one else might think so, but we will see - your reading stick with us let us know! :)

I thought hard, maybe not long. about what I wanted to title this blog. I knew I wanted it to have home as a theme and I tried several names involving home and family and the like but all had been taken. [Side bar: Annoyed I started checking these names to see what sort of person had "stolen" my oh so awesome name and guess what --- Many of the blogs had not even been updated or used in years! BLAST!] So needing to get more clever I turned to America's favorite past: Baseball. This of course is great because Kevan and I love baseball and could pretty much attend any game and be content and we love the Brew Crew! So we are
Hayden's Homestand and Rounding--Third and coming into Home. [The dashes are necessary because someone already has the name, but I said screw it and improvised!]

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